Our Strategic Plan: The future of Sydney Mardi Gras

45 years of celebration, conversation and progress. Driving decades of change.

Our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan

Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras (SGLMG) has a proud history as an organisation that has successfully championed LGBTQIA+ rights over many decades. We are now a globally recognised organisation, renowned for the way we recognise emerging issues and creatively celebrate pride for LGBTQIA+ people and communities.

Diversity, inclusion, equity and social justice continue to be important drivers for us. We’ve seen great advancements for LGBTQIA+ people in recent times, but unfortunately prejudice, stigma and discrimination still exist in the wider community. With better awareness, activism and building connections, these prejudices can and will be overcome. So, our challenge and opportunity is to make SGLMG more relevant and meaningful every day of the year for our community, no matter where we live and work, to help achieve these goals.

While we are well known for our main annual event in Sydney, we can be more and now is the time for our organisation to truly reflect that. This SGLMG strategic plan 2022-2025 sets out our vision, purpose and the positive changes we are seeking to achieve over the next three years. It will help us focus and prioritise so we can have the greatest possible impact over the years ahead.


We guide ourselves by the organisational values of ICARE for all our customers, staff and volunteers. These values include:

Our additional policies

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