14 Dec, 2018

Call for Proposals: Queer Development Program

Presented by Performance Space and Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, the Queer Development Program is designed to foster and strengthen the culture of queer creativity and performance in Australia.

This year the program has expanded to offer opportunities for more artists from a wider range of practices from across Australia to participate.

The program is designed for queer artists to develop their creative skills, performance ideas and industry connections, in order to build sustainable practices and to explore new ways of making work.

Intergenerational and community exchange is at the heart of the program: Performance Space and Mardi Gras offer our decades-long histories championing queer artists to in order to increase their recognition and representation within Australian contemporary performance.

Presented at PACT Centre for Emerging Artists, the Queer Development Program is deeply embedded in Sydney’s contemporary performance community.

The Queer Development program includes two open-call opportunities for artists:

Residency 21 March – 2 April 2019

Applications close 5pm, 18 January 2019Performance Space is seeking proposals for a two-week-long creative development residency at PACT Centre for Emerging Artists. This residency is designed to enable artists to make significant strides towards creating a new performance work. The development process will be overseen and facilitated by an experienced mentor: Performance Space can assist artists with selecting an appropriate mentor for their project, or applicants can nominate their own mentor for the residency.


Workshops 4 – 11 April 2019
Applications close 5pm, 18 January 2019

The Queer Workshop Intensive is a professional development program focusing on practical and creative skills that develop queer performance practice. Participants will attend 7 days of workshops led by experienced artist facilitators who will introduce various methodologies for creating performance in a collaborative environment. The Queer Workshop Intensive will sharpen your creative and professional skills, connect you to an intergenerational community of queer makers and gives you the opportunity to present new material to the public as part of Queer Nu Werk.