Shaping the future of
Mardi Gras

We make sure everyone has a voice to make an impact.

Annual General Meeting 2023

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meetings (AGM) of Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Ltd (SGLMG) ABN 87 102 451 785 and Mardi Gras Arts will be held 9am Saturday 9 December 2023. Members are invited to attend in person.

The following documentation is listed below for members.

Attendance and RSVPs

The AGM will be held Saturday 9 December, 2023 at University of Sydney Business School, H70.01.1110, 21 Codrington St, Darlington NSW 2008. Please note: The meeting room for the AGM has been updated, but the building and address have not changed. Wayfinding will be in place on the day.

Members can only participate in the meeting in person, or through the appointment of a proxy. 

It is requested that members and proxy holders RSVP for the AGM here. Participants who attend the meeting are required to adhere to the Meeting Standing Orders


A member who is entitled to attend and vote at the AGM has a right to appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf. A proxy need not be a member.  You may only allocate your proxy to a person who is attending the meeting. Proxies will be physically allocated to attendees at the AGM. Proxy votes may not be used to vote online. 

Information on appointing a Proxy has been sent via email to all members. 

Proxies can be allocated online from November 27 until 5pm on December 6. 

Voting for Directors  

Members can vote for directors at the Annual General Meeting.

A link to participate in Director elections online was sent to all members. Online voting for Directors has closed.

Members who have participated in Director elections online will be unable to vote in person for the election at the meeting. 

Further Questions 

For other questions regarding the AGM, contact Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras: 


Director elections of Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Limited (ACN 102 451 785) (‘SGLMG’) and Mardi Gras Arts Limited (ACN 158 800 018) (‘MGA’) have been held, leading into to the Annual General Meeting, Saturday 9 December 2023.

Members can also cast their vote for Directors in-person at the AGM.


Nominations have been received for 4 Director vacancies for a two-year term.

Luc Velez
Kyriakos Gold
Leila Harris
Evan Gray
Louis Hudson
Paul Truscott
Kathy Pavlich
Rohen Snowball

If the election is contested the names on the ballot paper will appear as determined by lot by the Returning Officer.

Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Ltd

Date: Saturday 9 December 2023
Time: Doors at 8.30am, meeting begins at 9:00am (AEDT)
Venue: (new building) H70.01.1110, University of Sydney Business School, 21 Codrington St, Darlington NSW 2008

Please note: The meeting room for the AGM has been updated, but the building and address have not changed. Wayfinding will be in place on the day.

ROOM / BUILDING ACCESSIBILITY: Hearing Augmentation, Wheelchair Accessible, Visual Impairment Accessible, Accessible Entrance, Accessible Lift, Accessible Bathroom, Luminance Contrast Entrance, Non-Automatic Door, Hearing Infrared Device, Accessible Stairs, Wheelchair Defined Space

A Low Sensory Space will be available.

ACCESSIBILITY: Hearing Augmentation, Wheelchair Accessible, Visual Impairment Accessible.

2023 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras AGM Agenda

1. Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2022

2. Financial Statements and Reports
Read the 2023 Annual Report

3. Motions for Consideration

Mardi Gras Arts Ltd

Date: Saturday 9 December 2023
Time: 11.15am (AEDT)
Venue: H70.01.1110, University of Sydney Business School, 21 Codrington St, Darlington NSW 2008

Please note: The meeting room for the AGM has been updated, but the building and address have not changed. Wayfinding will be in place on the day.

2023 Mardi Gras Arts AGM Agenda

1. Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2022

2. Financial Statements
Read the 2023 Annual Report

3. Items of business from Members

Shaping the future of Mardi Gras

Did you know that Mardi Gras members get to take an active role in shaping our future? We are accountable to our members and our members get to have a say in how we are governed by putting forward and voting on motions at our Annual General Meeting.

Why become a member?

Shape the future of Mardi Gras

Our members drive the future of Mardi Gras and play a vital role in ensuring we thrive as a sustainable organisation and continue to empower the entire LGBTQIA+ community.

Join our Annual General Meeting

We are accountable to our members and our members get to have a say in how we are governed by putting forward and voting on motions at our Annual General Meeting.

Make a positive impact

By far the biggest benefit of being a Mardi Gras member is that you get to be a part of history. You get to take an active role in contributing to our legacy and to help us push for a better future for our community. 

Our Strategic Plan

As a forward-looking organisation, SGLMG has formulated a Strategic Plan which identifies our strategic priorities over the next three years. Our strategic priorities are informed by our vision, values and goals.

Our values

We guide ourselves by the organisational values of ICARE for all our customers, staff and volunteers. These include:


Our additional policies

Site Terms and Privacy Policy
Social Media Guidelines

41 158 800 018

87 102 451 785