After such an incredible Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade in 2018, how are we going to top it next year?
Mardi Gras Parade Grants help groups take their floats to the next level of amazingness, and we also offer travel grants for participants from remote communities to connect, so they can join us from locations across Australia to celebrate Mardi Gras with pride and hope.
Peta Friend from Trans Sydney Pride says the Mardi Gras Grant funding her group received helped bring their diverse community together for an unforgettable and life-changing moment.
“The Mardi Gras Grant helped us elevate our entry to the next level, taking that extra step in our presentation and costumes,” she says. “We were able to hire a hall for our rehearsals and buy what we needed to make as look so good, creating a special moment in the Parade. Visibility is important, and so is bringing our diverse community together.
“It all means so much to us. Once you’ve done a Mardi Gras, you never forget it for the rest of your life.”
It’s the end of the Financial Year, so we’re asking for kind contributions. Your support means more LGBTQI communities can connect through Mardi Gras. You can help change the lives of LGBTQI people who face barriers for simply being themselves.
Donate to Mardi Gras Grants here via GiveNow.
Thank you for your support. Remember, Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras is a registered charity, so all donations above $2 are tax deducible.