Thank you to all members who came to the Annual General Meeting for Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras on Saturday.
The Annual Report and Financial Report were presented to members and accepted. The 2018 Annual Report is available to download as a PDF here.
The meeting included the election of four Board Members. The digital and in-person votes have now been counted and verified, confirming that three Board Members have been reinstated: Christopher Brooke, Kat Dopper and Jesse Matheson. They will be joined by one new Board member: Adrian Phoon.
Previous Board members continuing their two-year term are: Kate Wickett, Giovanni Campolo-Arcidiaco, John Hannaford and Robyn Kennedy.
The Board also gave thanks to Brandon Bear who stepped down at the AGM as Co-Chair after five years on the Board.
It was also announced at the meeting that CEO Terese Casu has been reinstated for a further two year term.
At the AGM, the following resolution was passed, conferring Life Membership of the organisation upon a list of 78ers who applied for it:
“That the persons contained in the document titled ‘78er Members for Life Membership 2018′ be granted life membership in the Company, noting that upon approval of the Members that these persons shall be entered on the Register as life members and shall not be required to pay membership fees in accordance with the Company’s constitution.”
A number of Items of Business requested by members were also passed from the floor and will now be advanced as recommendations for the Board to consider. They are:
Motion 10:That the membership recommends that the Board strongly consider a bid to host World Pride in 2023 by the closing date of June 2019 and work with the local pride committees, other community organisations and government bodies, where applicable, to produce a compelling and viable proposition.
Motion 11: In accordance with clause 3.4 of the Company’s constitution, that the membership approve life membership for all Lifetime Award recipients and those admitted to SGLMG Hall of Fame as contained in the document titled ‘Life Membership 2018’, noting that upon approval of the Members that these persons shall be entered on the Register as life members subject to receipt of their agreement to the objects of the Company outlined in the Company’s constitution.
Motion 12:In accordance with clause 3.4 of the Company’s constitution, that the membership approve that all future Lifetime Achievement Award recipients and those admitted to the Hall of Fame are automatically put by the Board to the members at the next general meeting of members to receive life membership to SGLMG in honour of that award or recognition, subject to receipt of their agreement to the objects of the Company outlined in the Company’s constitution.
Motion 17: The membership strongly recommends that SGLMG provide access to the workshop for LGBTQI community parade entrants for the 2019 Mardi Gras season with a view to advising and assisting LGBTQI community members with float design, development and build.
Motion 18: The membership strongly recommends that establishment of a permanent SGLMG community workshop be a specific strategic objective of SGLMG.
Motion 19: The membership strongly recommends access for LGBTQI community parade entrants to SGLMG workshop for the purpose of advice and assistance with float design, development and build remains a requirement of any future SGLMG workshop.
Thank you everyone who entered motions, stood for a position on the Board, attended the AGM, advanced proxies, voted online, and sent us your views. Your voices have been heard and your opinions matter greatly to us as we continue to advance a diverse, inclusive, sustainable Mardi Gras festival.
Kind Regards,
David Sellin
Company Secretary
Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Limited